Familiar Statutes:
- South African Law:
- Mercantile Law – Contracts, Agreements, JV, Partnerships, entities
- Family Law
- Criminal Law
- Law of Delict
- Companies Act No 71 of 2008
- Trust Law
- Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988
- Common Law
- Law of Persons
- Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987
- The National Sport & Recreation Act, 1998 (no 110 of 1998) and Amendment Act No 18 of 2007
- The development of the National Sport and Recreation plan (NSRP: 2009)
- Public Administration Act 11 of 2014
- Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999
- MFMA (Municipal Finance Management Act) No 56 of 2003
- Municipal System Act 32 of 2000
- Municipal Structures Act 1998
- Consumer Protection Act 2008 (No 68 of 2008)
- NPO Act (Non-Profit Organisation Act) 71 of 1997
- Tourism & Marketing (Training & Development)
- Tourism Act No: 3 of 2014
- Cultural Laws Act 2001
- Accounting Standards: GRAP, IFRS & Micro GAAP
- Tax Administration Act No 28 of 2011
- Custom and Excise Act 1964 as amended
- Employment Equity Act no 55 of 1998
- Labour Law 1995
- National Housing Code
- EPWP principles & guidelines
- Integrated Youth Development Strategy for South Africa
- National Environmental Management Air quality Act 39 of 2004
- National Environmental Management No 107 of 19
- National Environmental Management Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003
- National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of 2008
- DRAFT Marine Spatial Planning Bill, 2016
- Sea-Shore Act 21 OF 1935 and amended
- National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008.
- National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 – (ACT No. 10 of 2004) – Threatened or Protected Species Regulations
- National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004): Draft Alien and Invasive Species Lists, 2014
- National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Bill, 2013 (MPA)
- National Environmental Management of the Oceans, 2014
- Aquaculture Draft Bill, 2015
- African Penguin Biodiversity Plan 2013, no 824
- Small Scale Fisheries policy of 2016
- Commercial Fishing Policy of 2015/2016
- SAMSA (South African Marine Safety Authority) ACT 5 of 1998
- MLRA (Marine Living Resource Act) 18 of 1998
- Advertising Standards Authority Code
- Anti-corruption Act 2003
- Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,45 of 1965
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act no 75 of 1997
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Act 46 of 2013
- Cleaning Chemicals for Food Industry SANS 1828 and 1853; 2005
- Companies Act No 71 of 2008
- Section 43 of 2011 Regulations to Companies Act 2008,
- Compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
- Competition Act No 89 of 1998
- Competition Amendment Act No 1 of 2009
- Constitution of South Africa, 1996
- Consumer Protection Act No 68 of 2008
- Copyright Act No 89 of 1987
- Currency and Exchanges Act No 9 of 1933
- Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002
- Employment Equity Act No 55 Of 1998
- Exchange Control Regulations 1961
- Farm Feeds Act 35 of 1947
- Financial Intelligence Centre Act 2001
- Foodstuffs Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 54 of 1972
- Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973
- Health Act 63 of 1977
- Hygiene requirements for food premises R918 of 30 July 1999
- Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962
- Insider Trading Act No 135 of 1998
- King III
- Labour Relations Act No 66 of 1995
- Labour Amendment Act, 2012
- Merchandise Marks Act 17 of 1941
- National Building Regs SASS 0440/1990
- National Credit Act 2005
- National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act No 5 of 2008
- National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
- National Water Act 36 of 1998
- Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85 of 1993
- Maritime Occupational Safety Regulations, 1994
- OECD Convention recommendations on anti-corruption
- Offensive Trade Regulations Notice 1606 of 1934
- Patents Act 57 of 1978
- Pension Fund Act No 24 of 1956
- Perishable Products Export Control Act of 1983
- Prevention and Combating of Corruption Act 12 of 2002
- Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004
- Promotion of Access to Information Act
- Protection of Business Act 99 of 1978
- Protection of Access to Information Act 4 of 2013
- Public Holiday Act
- SARB regulations
- Skills Development Act No 97 of 1998
- Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999
- Trade Marks Act No 194 of 1993
- Trade Metrology Act 77 of 1973
- Unemployment Insurance Act No 30 of 1966
- King IV
- Unemployment Insurance Contribution Act No 4 of 2002
- US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
- Value Added Tax Act No 89 of 1991
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